Feminine Powerful, Gracious and All Knowing Women!
May 25, 2010 by admin
Filed under Life Coaching, Life Strategies, Power & Passion
You are a feminine being. You rule the universe or so some believe. You are our future as you train and give birth to our future leaders.
Do you know your own feminine power?
How do you wear your feminine power with grace and poise?
Listen as Host, Lisa Thomas and Co-Host, Diannia Baty discuss being feminine [ more ]
Embrace Life
May 25, 2010 by admin
Filed under Career Strategies, Inspirational, Life Coaching, Life Strategies, Spirituality, Vision & Purpose
By Lisa Thomas
I was sitting in my office today looking at a white sheet of paper. I couldn’t seem to find the words to convey to you, so I just sat there staring. The white sheets seemed dark and lonely. What could I place on this lonely page to make it [ more ]
Love is Just a 4-Letter Word or Is It?
May 25, 2010 by admin
Filed under Life Coaching, Life Strategies, Love & Intimacy, Power & Passion
Love is an intricate part of relationship. The power of love is infectious and incredibly exciting if you know how to access it and keep it alive.
Listen in as Relationship Coach, Lisa Thomas and Diannia Baty delve into the world of relationships. How do you truly love another? How do you love [ more ]
Dealing With Life Seduction
May 24, 2010 by admin
Filed under Business Tips, Life Coaching, Life Strategies
This 60 min audio deals with the internal chatter in the mind which hinders progress. You could take the case that the “doing” of being an entreprenuer is easy however the mind; the internal dialogue is what plagues and stops us from achieving the ultimate goal. Business is simple but the thoughts [ more ]