Is the Image of Your Vision Shining Through You?

Do you always feel good in the body you have and the clothes you wear?

Women who exude power feel good, look good and make good of a bad situation. But here let’s just talk about looking good in the body you have.

Lisa Thomas spoke with an image consultant to gain an [ more ]

Take off those Golden Handcuffs–Michelle Gethers Clark

It was a busy afternoon when I had an opportunity to speak with Michelle Gethers-Clark. The phones were ringing and people were coming in and out, but we found time to sit quietly and talk about her life. Michelle has a fascinating story.

I called her story Taking O ff the Golden [ more ]

Embrace Life

By Lisa Thomas

I was sitting in my office today looking at a white sheet of paper. I couldn’t seem to find the words to convey to you, so I just sat there staring. The white sheets seemed dark and lonely. What could I place on this lonely page to make it [ more ]

Vision, Work and Family – How Do I Balance It All with Dr. Pat Baccili?

My vision, my work, my family, day to day responsibilities – How can I find Balance?

Join Lisa Thomas and Syndicated Talk show host, Dr. Pat Baccili as they discuss bringing balance to the lives of women who already have a lot to do!

Work, the kids, my vision, laundry, cooking, cleaning [ more ]

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